If there are areas of your life you would like more ease or a different result, whether it be:

  • Your Body
  • Career
  • Learning to interact with Your Angelic Team
  • Embracing Your Gifts and Abilities
  • Releasing patterns that stop you or hold you back

Or any other area of your life where you know more is possible. We work together so that you have support and a sounding board as you make these life changing upgrades and break the habits of the past. To become ‘Unapologetically You’

During a reading Andy connects with the Angels to receive clear and pure Divine Messages and Guidance for you in any area of your life that you would like more clarity in. Oftentimes it isn’t always what you’d like to hear but what the Angels need you to know. This enables you to know and connect with you more so that you can trust yourself and your knowing to follow your true path.

Are you experiencing:

  • Emotional Upset
  • Deals not Coming Together
  • High Staff Turnover
  • Weird Stuff Happens
  • Doors Slamming or unusual noises
  • You feel uncomfortable when you are there alone. 

This can be because there are earthbound spirits, dark spirits or energies that are residing in your work premises. 

It can be from clients who have left them behind. Or from previous owners. It may feel as if your space is always full, cold or just feels off. 

Or you may be about to move your business into new premises and you would like to clear the previous businesses energy out. 

Are you experiencing upset in your home, with your finances, family members being unwell ? This may include feeling low in energy,  depressed or experiencing mood swings which can be because you have earth bound spirits in your home creating havoc.

If you have recently moved into your home, changed jobs, experience a loss or any other life changing experience or the energy in your home suddenly feels heavy it can be that entities or energies have been bought into your and decided to stay.

Or you may be moving into a new home and would like the previous owners energies removed and flow your own energies and intentions throughout the house. 

Hi I’m Andy Pentecost-Beck.

I’m am Divinely Guided by the Angels, as a Intuitive Life Coach, Pyschic Medium, Energy Alchemist.

As a Psychic Medium I am the bridge between earth and your loved ones who have passed as well as your Spirit Team or Higher Self.  We can connect with your loved ones who have passed which helps to to bring more calm and closure. We don’t always get the opportunity to say those things we wanted to say especially if their departure was sudden.

And I help you to understand the different ways they are trying to communicate with you. With signs like songs on the radio, when you go to a certain place, smell a fragrance and so much more. They have many ways of showing you they are around.

I will often connect to your higher self and your Spirit Team to confirm things that are happening in your life right now, so that you begin to trust your connection and intuition more.


Your spirit team will always give you the information that you need to hear vs the information that you want to hear.

As an Intuitive Life Coach or Guide I’ll help you explore those things that are holding you back or stopping you. It could be a past experience, fear, highly volitile situations, you may feel like you’ve had to walk on eggshells and have become a people pleaser. By uncovering these blocks it can help you to understand and connect more with your intuitive and spiritual gifts and abilities so that you trust and follow your Intuition. This helps you to accept and embrace your true self. To begin to know and trust that your abilities are in fact your greatest strength and gift rather than a curse or something to be ashamed of, wishing you didn’t have.

If you’ve felt different most of your life from those around you then you are in the right place.

Beginning to understand that everything is energy and you are highly senstive and aware of energy is the first step. Learning to understand and trust it comes next.

I have more than 25 years as Psychic Medium, Energy Alchemist, Healer and now a Spiritual Life Coach. I have explored  a lot of different modalities and techniques. Everything I share I have explored and used for myself first so I know they work and then I share them with my client. 

I was personally challenged with 7 years of postnatal depression and learned many tools which I have taught thousands of clients. You see most of my life I felt like the black sheep in the family and felt like I didn’t fit in. During the past 10 years I have taken a deep dive into my life, undercovering hidden and deep seated patterns and programming that was holding me back or stopping me from having everything I was aware of. I knew I was here for more. I have always known that I was here to help as many people as I could.

And now I know I didn’t come to ‘Fit In’, I came to be an interruption. To have people embrace their abilitites and their brilliance. To become Unapologetically You and to BE proud to be YOU. There is no one else like you because we are all unique. 

You know when you just have that deep knowing. I call it “I know that I know that I know, I just don’t know how I know that I know”; thats the Divine, your inner knowing, your Spiritual Guidance. It’s not up to us to know the “how” this is the Divines job and when we try and work it out, it just slows us down.

Part of my deeper purpose is to help more people just like you, who are highly aware to have the tools and know the actions to take, so that you are no longer at the affect of other people’s energies and dramas. To finally quieten that monkey mind; to be able to connect with you inner knowing, connect with your spirit team, embrace your abilities and to TRUST YOU. 

I have worked with thousands of clients over the years, helping them connect with their intuition, bodies, embracing their abilities, no longer needing to fit in. Learning to tap into all energies and commune with them. Helping them uncover the subconscious blocks to stepping into what they know is available for them, empowering them to have and be what they came here for.

I look forward to meeting you soon.


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