✨House Clearing and Blessing


Here are some of the signs and symptoms that you may have uninvited guests, spirits or energies upsetting the harmony and flow or your family and your home:

  • Emotional Upset – arguments, doors slamming
  • Mood swings since you moved in, that weren’t there before. Anxiety and Depression
  • Uneasy sleep – kids having nightmares
  • Lights flickering
  • Parts of your home and property feel uncomfortable or uneasy. You may rush through certain areas. Or you may feel like you are being watched.
  • You may feel like you’ve become accident prone or the kids have
  • Weird stuff happens
  • You’ve recently moved into a new home or area and nothing seems to be working as well as it used to. This might include your relationship, job, and money flows.
  • If you have just build a new home, then you have had a lot of different builders and tradesmen in your home. With all their different emotions and energies going on, which they may have left behind.

You see when we move into a new home, the previous owners energy can still be there. If someone died who owned it at any point their energy could still be there. (it doesn’t mean they died in the house)

  • If someone went through a divorce or a traumatic experience who previously lived in the home these emotions and energies can still be in the home.
  • If they had had money struggles.
  • It could be the land that surrounds your home. If there have been earth works being carried out around you, (new housing, roading, someone escavating) that could have upset energies that were previously quite happy where they were.

Another thing that can affect our bodies are cell phone towers. There are a lot of electromagnet energies that go with these, that can affect us in all different ways.

If you have recently (say in the last 12 to 18 months or less) lost someone close; they may be trying to get your attention. It is always a good idea to have your home checked after someone passes, to make sure they have gone where they need to.

Not only did you inherit a new home, you received all the energies that were previously there.

I used to offer these in person however what I’ve found is that they work just as effectively from a distance and via zoom. I have cleared homes this way in different countries and the results have been just as powerful.

In this LIVE 60 MINUTE 1:1 Zoom Call, with Andy she will tap into the energy of your home, together we acknowledge any energies that are not for your highest good or contributing to what you would like to have. We bring our Angels and Spiritual Guides to escort them on their way.

If there are loved ones trying to get your attention, we tune into them to see what they would like to share.

We then set an intentiion with the energies you would like in your to create more harmony, connection, peace and calm to your home and your life.

The call is confidential and the recording will be sent to you so can listen again at your own leisure or refer to it again in the future. 

Each session may include:


Tuning into the Energy of Your Home


Clearing any Energies not Belonging to You or Your Home


Re-Directing any Energies running through the Earth, around your home, that are not helpful.


Clearing Past Agreements with Previous Owners


Setting Up the Energetics of Your Home to work with You and Your Family

The intention of this session, is to create a pivot and a different relationship with your home. To create more peace, harmony and connection with your home and those that live in it.

Andy is a clear channel for spirit and during our time together she will tap in and connect with your guides and angels along with your home to bring more peace, harmony and connection to your family and home.

Terms and Conditions:
– All readings are entirely confidential. 
– Readings are for entertainment purposes and are non-refundable.
– I take my work very seriously, however  readings are only a snapshot in time, and you still have freewill. Often my readings are confirmation of what you already know. Or what spirit has already been trying to get through to you.

Because of the nature of spiritual work, I cannot guarantee any outcomes, nor am I responsible for what you choose to do with the information.

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