This is an invitation and opportunity to step into the next version of YOU!
How do you know that it’s available to you?
Because you’ve either thought about it or you are aware of it.
Whether you’re ready to Dynamically Transform areas of your Personal Life or your Business this invitation is for you.
What would it BE like to:
To step into a new Trajectory

To let go of limiting beliefs, old stopping points or listening to those negative voices in your head.

Master Your Energy.

I’ll teach you the tools so that you are no longer at the effect of other people’s energy and you can clearly decipher what thoughts, feelings and emotions are actually yours. Knowing how to call your energy home in less than 30 seconds. 

You Know it's time to put YOU first.

Not at the exclusion of others but with the inclusion of you.

Tapping into your Intuition, Connecting with Your Spirit Team; working with the Energies to be in your Natural Flow.

Learning to work in harmony with the Energies and tuning into your Intuition, as well as your Spirit Team to bring more clarity so that you can trust you no matter what!

Become more Soulfully Aligned

No longer trying to do it the way others say you should which really hasn’t worked for you so far. But tuning in to see what will work for you.

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable.

Knowing that when you are uncomfortable you are aware of more. There is a breakthrough to have the life you are aware of!

No Longer Holding Back or Waiting.

No longer slowing down or stopping to wait for others to catch up, knowing they will come when they are ready and if they are meant to. Not waiting for all of the steps to be clear but putting one foot in front of the other, trusting the next stepping stone will appear.

Trusting You No Matter What!

Unlocking patterns and gridlocks, old structures or beliefs – no longer needing approval or waiting for permission from others. Trusting you even when it doesn’t make sense, you just keep putting one foot in front of the other even when it’s not clear where the next stepping stone is. 

Being Authentically You

No longer being the people pleaser or watering yourself down to make other people comfortable. 

Specifically Business:
Listening to the Whispers of Your Business

No longer doubting what you are receiving or resisting it because that’s not the way you are told marketing works. 

Setting up the Energetics of your Business - laying in an energetic component.

No longer trying to fit the cookie cutter framework to your business. 

Having Forward Momentum in Your Business

No longer taking things personally if people aren’t choosing your offer – seeing it as an opportunity to tweak your offer to be more Soufully Aligned with what you’re here for. 

Being Willing to be the Interruption

So that others can choose more.

As an Energetic Being you probably feel a lot of things you can’t see or at the effect of others people’s energies or the energies in the world. You may even feel like they are yours because you’ve been experiencing them for most of your life.

You see as Empaths we can be super Psychic aware of other people’s thoughts, feelings and energies; which feel like they are ours. We can even feel them in our physical bodies. This can leave us feeling like we’re on an emotional roller coaster.  The more we transform and evolve; the more aware we can become of how aware we actually are. 

I teach simple and easy to integrate techniques that will help you decipher what is in fact yours and what isn’t. These are the techniques that I personally use every day and I know when they are implented they work and my clients have a lot of success with them too.

If you have a head that never shuts up then these are great tools to begin to slow them down because in actual fact most of those thoughts are not even yours. Did you know that as an empath 98% of all of your thoughts, feelings and emotions are not even yours? Yep that’s right! That is how’s super Psychic aware you can actually be.

Do you feel like you don’t fit in? Well did you actually come to fit in – or create something totally different? (Interesting question, right?)

Are you Ready to Fully Step into the Magic of YOU?

Here’s a couple of things that I’ve come to know from my experience when wanting to have a sustainable upgrade. It’s far easier and quicker to navigate a Dynamic Transformation with a Coach and support structure. Yes you can do it on your own, however the tendancy is to slip back into old ways of being.

You know it takes 21 days to break a habit right, and in that time we can be tempted to let things slide or go back into old ways of how we used to function.  And then we find ourselves saying: “See it didn’t work”.

When you have a coach you have an accountability partner and someone to reach out to when old patterns come up. When you have someone to walk beside you, to be there when these old patterns surface, because surface they do, to guide you as you explore them, acknowledge them and help you release them. Along with being your personal cheerleader when you have those wins and hit those targets.

I offer a safe space of kindness, without judgment, a unique ability to shine a light on those things that are in your blindspot. To ask you questions to uncover those things that stop you or no longer serve you. To walk beside you as you navigate this new way of being. To assist you into stepping into the new version of you, you are asking to be.

I have assisted and empowered hundreds of women to embrace who they are, shed the old versions of themselves, to have what they know is available for them.

To release old patterns and beliefs systems so that they trust themselves no matter what.

To ACCEPT, HONOUR, EMBRACE AND TRUST THEMSELVES to be who they came here to be.  No longer watering themselves down or tuning out their intuition to keep others comfortable. No longer being a people pleaser, but putting themselves first and including themselves in every choice they make.

If you are ready to go, then book your Next Step Strategy call today by clicking the button below. 

During this FREE 30 Minute Next Step Strategy Call we explore what you’d like to be celebrating this time next year and what you feel is stopping you from having that. The ways in which I feel I can assist and support you. 

If I don’t feel that I am the right person to assist you, I will be honest and tell you.

Who Am I And Why Should
You Listen To Me?

Hi I’m Andy Pentecost-Beck.

I have developed many techniques from over 20 years of personal experience as a Psychic Medium & Intuitive and more than 10 years as an Energy and Alignment Coach. I know what it means to be at the mercy of being an empath and learning how to Master my Energy so I am no longer at the effect of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions…and what a difference it makes once you harness it so you can apply it in all aspects of your life.

You see, I grew up in a household of arguments. As an intuitive, my survival mechanism was to go into other people’s heads to figure out who I had to be, so that I didn’t get into trouble, rock the boat or upset anyone. I was constantly walking on eggshells with underlying phrenetic energy.

I carried this into my adult life.

I was OCD and a perfectionist. I didn’t believe in me and when something great happened I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I always put others first at the exclusion of me.

I didn’t trust my intuition, and was always looking outside of myself for guidance and approval. I went against my knowing because I decided they were older, wiser or knew better. I tried to fly under the radar and be invisible.

But there was a part of me that always knew that to do what I came here for had to step out be seen, I literally had to come out of hiding.

I spent over 25 years searching.

I learned things that helped, like massage, chakra balancing, clearing and coaching, but I still felt unfulfilled. Like something was missing.

Then, about five years ago I had an aha – instead of believing there was something WRONG with me, I realised that what was MISSING was me!

I realised I hadn’t been including me in my choices. I was choosing things to make everyone else happy, to keep the peace, to not rock the boat or upset anyone.

Once I realised how much I was aware of other people’s energies and implemented the tools that I now teach, I could finally quieten my mind, kick the naysayer off my shoulder and really begin to trust me, tune into my intuition and work with the energies around me.  I began to choose for me instead of putting everyone else first.

As a result, I’ve moved from being stressed, confused, timid and doubtful to being strong, confident and successful. I began to work in harmony with the energies around me (because everything is energy and has a consciousness of it’s own) along with tapping into my intuition and apply it confidently in everything I do.

On my journey, I created a powerful process that helped me decipher what energies were mine and what were other people’s, so that I could bring my energy home and gain clarity with my intuition so that I could trust it no matter what, and I haven’t looked back.

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