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Embrace Your Authentic Self: Unleash Your True Potential

Are you tired of playing small and hiding your brilliance? It’s time to step into your authenticity and embrace all that makes you uniquely you.

Discover Your Inner Magic

Imagine a life where you trust yourself completely, where you acknowledge your unique gifts and purpose with unwavering confidence. When you embrace your true essence, you transcend fear and step into a state of soulful alignment.

Break Free from Limiting Beliefs

Let go of the fear of judgment and rejection that has held you back for too long. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your worth, and step boldly into the world. Trust in the support of the universe and your spiritual guides as you navigate this transformative journey.

Join Me

If you’re ready to be Unapologetically YOU, join us for a FREE 3-hour deep dive into the following areas:
SHINING your Light

Overcome self-doubt and fear of standing out.

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable.

Embrace discomfort as a catalyst for personal transformation.

Trust Your Intuition

Trust your inner wisdom and let it guide your choices.

Strengthening Self-Trust

Release the need for external validation and trust in your own judgment.

Embracing Your Unique Gifts

Recognize and celebrate your innate talents and abilities.

Soulful Alignment

Align your actions with your deepest values and desires.

Living Authentically

Embrace your true self and live with integrity and purpose.

Are You Ready to Shine?

Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Click the register button below to reserve your spot now.

Who Am I And Why Should
You Listen To Me?

I’m Andy Pentecost-Beck –  I’m here to help you unlock your true potential and embrace the magic within you – to become Unapologetically You.

A little about me.

I was OCD and a perfectionist. I didn’t believe in me and if something great happened I was always waiting for something to go wrong.

I always put others first at the exclusion of me.

I didn’t trust my intuition, and was always looking outside of myself for guidance and approval. I went against my knowing because I decided they were older, wiser or knew better.

But there was always a part of me that knew that to do what I came here for I must be seen, I had to come out of hiding.

I spent over 20 years searching.

I learned things that helped, like massage, chakra balancing, reiki and coaching, but I still felt unfulfilled. Like something was missing.

Then, about seven years ago I had an aha – instead of believing there was something WRONG with me, I realised that what was MISSING was me!

I realised I hadn’t been including me in my choices. I was choosing things to make everyone else happy, to keep the peace, not rocking the boat or upsetting anyone.

Once I realised how much I was aware of other people’s energies and implemented the tools that I now teach, I could finally quieten my mind, kick the naysayer off my shoulder and really begin to trust me and choose for me instead of putting everyone else first.

As a result, I’ve moved from being stressed, confused, timid and doubtful to being strong, confident and successful – all because I was able to harness my intuition and apply it confidently in everything I do.

On my journey, I created a powerful process that helped me tap into, harness and trust my intuition, and I haven’t looked back.

I believe that each of us holds immense power and potential within ourselves, waiting to be unleashed. Throughout my own journey, I’ve experienced the transformative power of stepping into authenticity and embracing all facets of who I am. Now, I’m passionate about guiding others on their own paths toward self-discovery and empowerment.

My Mission

My mission is simple: to empower individuals like you to break free from limiting beliefs, overcome self-doubt, and embrace your unique brilliance. I’m here to provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to shine brightly and live a life aligned with your true purpose.

Are You Ready to Shine?

Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Get immediate Access to the REPLAY. Fill in your details below: 


Andy Pentecost-Beck is the real deal, super connected!!!

How do I know because Andy is a friend of mine that even before I told her about my dad being sick she contacted me. After he passed he visited her and the message she delivered was bang on and gave me so much comfort.

She has delivered valuable information to me over the years of friendship time and time again!!

Yes I can get my own messages but having someone else confirm or give you information about something you don’t see yourself because your in your own energy is priceless!!

Tracy Reifferscheid

Alchemist and Intuitive Facilitator

“Andy has an amazing capacity to connect with your guides and angels and deliver a message that will go straight to your heart.

We spent the weekend together and had a long drive home a few weeks ago and I asked her to tune in for me.

The message she brought through was amazing, on point and had this energetic uplifting effect. What she said not only confirmed, but expanded what I was aware of and added energy to it.”
Cory Michelle

Intuitive Guide for Visionary Women

I had an amazing session with Andy Pentecost Beck this afternoon and she not only helped me discover some holding patterns that we then obliterated, she also worked on my dog Odie and me at the same time. He was upset because I was upset and both of us got a major upgrade. Thank you Andy!

Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Success Sorceress

I’ve worked with Andy a couple of times in the past few years. We were out of touch for a little while and we reconnected last week when she did a reading for me.

Holy wow!!!

She addressed everything that was going on with me perfectly. And I do mean absolutely everything! It was a beautiful experience that left me feeling confident and secure.

I got confirmation that the choices I have been making are in fact beneficial to me. I have recently gone through a very big energy shift and I’ve let go of huge chunks of my past. I was feeling a little adrift in this new energetic space but now I feel calm and centred. Thank you Andy! ❤️

Elfy Jo

I started working with Andy when I was pregnant with my first child and I was struggling with the transition from being a career driven person to being a mum.

I had so many fears about being a Mum (based on my upbringing) and what sacrifices I would need to make.

Andy helped me overcome my past and step into being a mum with confidence.

She opened my eyes to managing my energies and I still use the techniques and tools she taught me multiple times a day!!

I highly recommend Andy, I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.

Ginny Moore

Super Mum, Entrepreneur

Thank you Andy for our session on Friday, the awareness connections and acknowledgment I received with regard to loved ones passed has given me great peace .

I feel way more connected to my spirit guides and team. It feels good to be open more to receive from them. We are Never alone … Thank you so much

Robyn Singh

Magical Paddle & Yoga Instructor,Flow with Robyn

Working with Andy has helped change my life. I just took part in a week-long coaching group and in 1 week I overturned and changed so many old habits and patterns it was mind blowing.

I react less, pause more and walk away from drama within relationships; my 18 month old now comes to me for her nappy changes with less wrestling matches and even our puppy and I are on a more cooperative level.

I’m feeling in tune, aligned with my dreams and a load more hopeful about my future options. Andy is always down to earth and respectful, authentic and straight up at the same time. She doesn’t do the hard sell approach, so I always know that I am getting the real deal with her.

The fact that Andy uses her awareness of spirit and energy is a bonus, it’s like ‘ having essential oils added to a massage’ – working with spirit enhances the impact of the coaching and makes it next level. Totally recommend (and have already) Andy to anyone.

Indigo Kingfisher

Mum Extraordinaire and Family Therapist

“I was at a crossroads in my career and really required guidance on which way to proceed forward. Within the first 15 minutes of the session, Andy Pentecost-Beck had answered questions and gave insight to areas that I have not even considered.

Talk about creating ease in my life!”

Tiffany Theen

* Educator * Speaker *Adrenaline Junkie*

“I’ve had many sessions with Andy Pentecost Beck and they’ve all been wonderful, but the angel reading session I had with her was truly remarkable! The sense of space and love that Andy is really allowed me to clearly receive information that my guides have been trying to tell me for a while. Andy’s psychic abilities are phenomenal! Some information she gave me about me and my business flipped it into a totally different trajectory and I’m super excited and deeply happy about what I can create.

I highly recommend these amazing sessions! Book a slice of Andy magic now!”
Kelly Early

Animal Intuitive. Body Whisperer. Energy Magician. Lover of Life

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The testimonials on this website are from real and satisfied clients. However their results may not be your results. Specific results can not be guaranteed and results may vary from person to person

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