Beautiful Angel.......

Thank you for joining me. People have Angels Readings for different reasons. It could be that you are grieving the loss of a loved one.

So often our loved ones are taken before their time or so swiftly we don’t get the chance to say goodbye. When this happens it can leave us with many unanswered questions. And being able to connect with your loved one in a new way can bring about some inner peace.

Or it might be that you are being currently challenged in an area of your life and would like some clarity, confirmation or direction.

Receiving this confirmation is a great way to validate your own intuition so that you can begin to trust yourself even more and follow your inner knowing.

Click on whichever link below that you feel called to, which will give you more information and where you can book.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Live via Zoom Channeled Angel Messages

Live Via Zoom Alignment & Healing

VIP 1:1 Spiritual Coaching Via Zoom

Live Via Zoom House & Business Clearing & Blessings

Welcome! I’m Andy Pentecost-Beck, I’m a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher & Guide with a deep commitment to helping people who have lost loved ones, to bring healing to all, here and on the other side. With over 28 years of personal experience as a Massage Therapist, Psychic Medium, and more than 10 years as a Spiritual Coach/Guide. You see I know what it’s like to have gifts that for the longest time I wasn’t sure whether they were a gift or a curse. I have come to love and embrace and know they are a gift from God. I only work with God, the angels, and the angelic realm. I’m here to help others with their connection to those who have passed, to embrace their gifts and trust themselves and to bring confirmation, comfort  and insight.

My Journey

Growing up I could see faces in trees on the farm and I just assumed everyone else could see them. Dad would say it was spooky near those trees. I associated spooky with that he could see what I saw. That wasn’t the case. And it wasn’t anything we talked about.

When I was in my late teens I was interested in spiritual things and I had readings done. Where I was told I would have a boyfriend who took drugs. I was like no way. It turned out I was already seeing him and didn’t know. We broke up 3 months or so later. So I didn’t have a reading from anyone else for sometime.

The boys Dad and I moved into a new home and I found out I was pregnant, I ended up in hospital with cysts on my ovaries the following week. I had to stop work. I fell over on the patio 2 days before we got married and by then I was 3 months pregnant. (everything was ok) We got married and two days later my then husband ended up in coronary care for 2 weeks. He had to have 2 months off. And then I had an operation at 18 weeks to have the cysts removed from my ovaries and there was a chance we could lose him. Everything went well, thankfully. Then when he was 6 weeks old he had bilateral hernias operated on.

Another 3 months or so later I went and saw a naturopath because I’d been diagnosed with postnatal depression and told him what had happened. He said it was too much in a short space of time to be a coincidence. And thats where my conscious spiritual journey began. He gave me the name and number for a maori tohunga (maori healer) who blessed houses.

When he arrived he said we had maori warrior spirits on our driveway and on our property. There had been some excavating across the road which had upset a burial site.

He spoke to me about things that happened to me as a kid – like being chased down the hill by a spirit, which I remembered at that point.

The places on the property where he could see lost spirits, I could feel. I had found them super uncomfortable and “spooky”, and I would walk quickly or run.

He blessed the house and the boys Dad. I had someone with me but he didn’t have time in that moment to shift her, he said he would come back later in the day. Not long after he left, I started to feel sick. I started to feel better and Sidney started to scream. I had the awareness to speak to her and tell to leave him alone and come back to me, which she did. I rang the healer and he came back. He said he didn’t think she would do that. She was upset she’d been left behind. (If I hadn’t experienced that I wouldn’t have believed it)

Our house felt so much better and things were calmer.

Over the years he taught me a lot. How to bless people and their houses and so much more for which I am truly grateful.

I was challenged with postnatal depression for 7 years in total. I did all the medical stuff which got me to a point that I could look at the natural side because I wasn’t comfortable taking medication.

I was a massage therapist at this point and exploring all things spiritual and started having my chakras balanced and looking at the things I thought I had dealt with but I was holding onto. Within 9 months I was taking no medication (only do this with your medical practitioners support) and feeling more like me than I ever had.

What I have come to know 27 years later is that with the physical birth of my sons I had a spiritual awakening – each time. My intuition heightened (even though I thought I’d missed out on mothers intuition) and I could feel everyone else’s thoughts, feelings and emotions as though they were mine, even though I had no one around me.

I became super sensitive and felt overwhelmed by it and felt like I was going crazy.

I have learned a lot of modalities over the years; from massage, chakra balancing, spiritual coaching, honing my intuition, mediumship and so much more. I have done readings off and on for more than 20 years however I was never fully comfortable within me until recently. Literally I had one foot in and one foot out. You see I didn’t want to be judged, ostracised or weird. Which left me feeling incomplete and looking for me.

I’ve realised that by resisting this gift of Psychic abilities which is innately part of me, I am resisting God and my Soul Purpose and not fully allowing who I truly am at my core and on a soul level. And it wasn’t allowing people to have the gift of connecting with their loved ones.

It is an honour and a privilege to “Bridge the Gap” for people to connect with their loved ones and begin to start to heal their grief, say what they need to, to know their loved ones are safe and at peace, to teach people that they can communicate with them in a whole new way, the signs when their loved ones are around which can all be comforting and reassuring.

For those who would like guidance and direction, connection to spirit, clarity, confirmation and to know they are on the right path this can also be reassuring.

For clients who are navigating trusting their own gifts whether it be with their intuition, connecting with their angels, god, the universe, as healer, coach or whatever that is for them and being able to embrace and trust this. Being able to embrace themselves fully and completely.

I am blessed and grateful to be a clear channel for god, the angels, and your loved ones.

Client Testimonials

Andy Pentecost-Beck has amazing gifts to share and I have experienced most of them through readings and also when we worked together and she was coaching me after I had a catastrophic health issue which left me on the floor and unable to handle all the new “gifts” I was unlocking. Am blessed she was there and recommend her fully.

Nicola Stevens

Andy Pentecost-Beck is the real deal, super connected!!!

How do I know because Andy is a friend of mine that even before I told her about my dad being sick she contacted me. After he passed he visited her and the message she delivered was bang on and gave me so much comfort.

She has delivered valuable information to me over the years of friendship time and time again!!

Yes I can get my own messages but having someone else confirm or give you information about something you don’t see yourself because you’re in your own energy is priceless!!

Tracy Reifferscheid

Alchemist and Intuitive Facilitator

“Andy has an amazing capacity to connect with your guides and angels and deliver a message that will go straight to your heart.

We spent the weekend together and had a long drive home a few weeks ago and I asked her to tune in for me.
The message she brought through was amazing, on point and had this energetic uplifting effect. What she said not only confirmed, but expanded what I was aware of and added energy to it.”
Cory Michelle

Intuitive Guide for Visionary Women

I started working with Andy when I was pregnant with my first child and I was struggling with the transition from being a career driven person to being a mum.

I had so many fears about being a Mum (based on my upbringing) and what sacrifices I would need to make.

Andy helped me overcome my past and step into being a mum with confidence.

She opened my eyes to managing my energies and I still use the techniques and tools she taught me multiple times a day!!

I highly recommend Andy, I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.

Ginny Moore

Super Mum, Entrepreneur

Thank you Andy for our session on Friday, the awareness connections and acknowledgment I received with regard to loved ones passed has given me great peace .

I feel way more connected to my spirit guides and team. It feels good to be open more to receive from them. We are Never alone … Thank you so much

Robyn Singh

Magical Paddle & Yoga Instructor,Flow with Robyn

Working with Andy has helped change my life. I just took part in a week-long coaching group and in 1 week I overturned and changed so many old habits and patterns it was mind blowing.

I react less, pause more and walk away from drama within relationships; my 18 month old now comes to me for her nappy changes with less wrestling matches and even our puppy and I are on a more cooperative level.

I’m feeling in tune, aligned with my dreams and a load more hopeful about my future options. Andy is always down to earth and respectful, authentic and straight up at the same time. She doesn’t do the hard sell approach, so I always know that I am getting the real deal with her.

The fact that Andy uses her awareness of spirit and energy is a bonus, it’s like ‘ having essential oils added to a massage’ – working with spirit enhances the impact of the coaching and makes it next level. Totally recommend (and have already) Andy to anyone.

Indigo Kingfisher

Mum Extraordinaire and Family Therapist

“I was at a crossroads in my career and really required guidance on which way to proceed forward. Within the first 15 minutes of the session, Andy Pentecost-Beck had answered questions and gave insight to areas that I have not even considered.

Talk about creating ease in my life!”

Tiffany Theen

* Educator * Speaker *Adrenaline Junkie*

“I’ve had many sessions with Andy Pentecost Beck and they’ve all been wonderful, but the angel reading session I had with her was truly remarkable! The sense of space and love that Andy is really allowed me to clearly receive information that my guides have been trying to tell me for a while. Andy’s psychic abilities are phenomenal! Some information she gave me about me and my business flipped it into a totally different trajectory and I’m super excited and deeply happy about what I can create.

I highly recommend these amazing sessions! Book a slice of Andy magic now!”
Kelly Early

Animal Intuitive. Body Whisperer. Energy Magician. Lover of Life

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